Dear Vicky by Octavia Grant

A Review By: KH

Delusional /dəˈlo͞oZH(ə)nəl/ (adjective) - characterized by or holding false beliefs or judgments about external reality that are held despite incontrovertible evidence to the contrary, typically as a symptom of a mental condition

Grocery store bag boy, Andrew, hates his job. No career growth, rude customers, and the forced customer appreciation greeting have taken a toll on his mental stability. Though his job gives him the flexibility to attend community college, he can find no other enjoyment there. That is until he met the woman that would change his life. During Andrew’s mundane day of grabbing and bagging, Victoria, a customer with an infectious smile and playful personality, gives him the attention that he’s been missing. Attention that now has Andrew believing that he and she are now in a committed relationship. Victoria has no idea that her friendly demeanor has landed her in the crosshairs of an unwell man. But she’ll soon learn that the old adage is true: You can’t be nice to everyone. Get to know Andrew Patterson and discover how dangerous a delusion can be.

Review Notes:

Audio Book Publication Year: 2024

An installment in a Series? No

Narrator (s): D Lewis The Narrator, Eden Sharp

Vicky has the bag boy at the grocery store mesmerized. Her seemingly harmless flirtacious banter, goes wrong.

First, the way this book goes from 0 to 60 then to 100 is jaw dropping. I found myself talking to Andrew, our main delusional character, on more than one occassion. wondering what was going through his head. The way Octavia takes you in one direction then hits you with another twist is amazing.

D. Lewis brought the right tone and inflection to Andrew's voice, making all his actions seem even more creepy which brought the shock home. The way Eden switched between voices gave me chills. I would've sworn there was more than one female narrator.

This is a short read, and I could say I would've liked for there to have been more. However, you got everything you needed in this short read. No unanswered questions, no dangling ending. All I can say is, why Max?

Reading Recommendation? Yes!


Content Warnings? Human or animal loss, Physical abuse/violence


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