Heartbreak U By Johnni Sherri

A Review By: SY

Four diverse young women meet after attending a very popular HBCU; each at a crossroads in their lives. Born and raised in the heart of Brooklyn, Franki doesn’t take crap from anyone. After relentlessly being hurt by the men in her life, she finds herself using them for the one thing she believes they’re good for. Sex. But when she’s labeled for her promiscuity and a new tragedy strikes, how will she recover? Paris, on the other hand, has led a life of privilege out in Beverly Hills; one that didn’t include very many minorities in her circle. 

When her mother sends her off to an HBCU in hopes that she’ll reconnect with her people, she finds herself culture shocked. Asha, the local girl, is a complete slacker when it comes to school and anything else that doesn’t align with her future plans of becoming a basketball wife. She is a user and a mastermind manipulator that will ultimately have to pay a price. Then lastly there’s Hope, the good girl. Raised by her father and brought up in the church, she’s been sheltered most of her life. But when she falls hard for the big man on campus and gets her heart crushed to pieces, will she persist? 

Told from each character’s distinct point of view, this narrative is about each young woman navigating the dynamics of sex, love and heartbreak in college. Being outcasts in their own right, these four young women ultimately forge a very unique bond.

Review Notes:

Audio Book Publication Year: 2019

An installment in a Series? Yes

Narrator (s): IIKane

Story: This is my first read from Ms. Sherri, and I WAS BLOWN AWAY. This book is so funny, entertaining, and the cliffhanger at the end will have listeners on the edge. Sherri is a masterful storyteller, detailing the experiences of these young women, and I was immediately transported back in time to my own college days, with the language and imagery that she used being so potent and real. The characters were developed beautifully, and the pacing and plotline felt authentic and appropriate.

Narration/Performance: This was my first listen to the INCREDIBLE IIKane - I kept checking the narration credits to make sure others weren’t included, that’s just how good she is with voice acting. Not only is her distinction between the female characters pitch-perfect, but she delivers male voices with unbelievable realism.

Reading Recommendation? Yes!

Rating: 5 (I need another one!)

Content Warnings? Yes; sexual assault/physical violence.


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