Note: All reviews are completed by members of our review team. They are the honest and unbiased opinions of the reviewer.

Daddy Long Stroke by Cairo
EROTICA Alexandria House EROTICA Alexandria House

Daddy Long Stroke by Cairo

Written in raw, graphic language, Daddy Long Stroke is a cautionary tale of one man's insatiable thirst for sex and his quest to bed down as many women he possibly can - no matter the costs and no matter who gets hurt in the process.

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Benefriends By Chencia C. Higgins
EROTICA Aquarius Creative Agency EROTICA Aquarius Creative Agency

Benefriends By Chencia C. Higgins

It wasn’t too long ago that I would have told you I was too smart to fall for the friends-with-benefits okie doke. I would have said it was a setup that was doomed to fail each and every time.

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